Vapor Point’s vapor tight frac tank setups allow the frac tanks to perform as they were designed to work. Most frac tanks in the US have a 1lb PRV to protect the engineered design of the Vapor Tight frac tank. Typical carbon setup allows free flow (breathing) of vapor out of these tanks, while other scrubber systems utilize blowers to pull the material from frac tanks. Vapor Point believes both of these methods are flawed. Free flowing into carbon does not allow the tank to act as a vapor tight tank and will spend carbon quickly. Blowers, that others use in the industry, will pull a vacuum on the tanks and effectively strip contaminants out of the stored material, causing premature failure of the vapor control system.
Vapor Point has engineered a system to work on back pressure, we set our equipment at 0.5 psi of back pressure, which allows the material to only enter and be scrubbed when the frac tank systems sees 0.5 psi or above the set limit. Effectively only utilizing the scrubbing system when it is needed, saving on chemistry, change out time and expense.