Frac Tank Applications
Frac Tanks are typically used in refineries and chemical plants for temporary liquid storage of both waste water and finished products. Emissions controls are usually related to NESHAP or Consent Decree requirements for Benzene. The loading and storage of the material can create two very different applications, based on the flow rate out of the tank. Vapor Point is prepared to help manage both the peak flow and the steady flow.
Application Challenges
- Variability of storage containment
- Minimal design pressure
Vapor Point Solution
- Minimizes the “free flow” contaminant loading to carbon
- acts as conservation valve
- Flexibility in managing different contaminants without safety risks (no reaction concerns)
- Pure products or highly volatile products are stored
Vapor Point Advantages and Results
- Eliminates continuous discarge through CAS system including H₂S, Benzene, VOCs, and Ammonia
- Table to manage highly volatile vapors
- Can manage up to 300 cfm