Client Challenge
A Gulf Coast Refinery wanted to minimize flaring during a 2022 Turnaround. The refinery process units included the Hydrocracker Unit and Sat Gas Deethanizer, Debutanizer, and Depropanizer trains.
The unit deinventory of liquids and vapor needed to be accomplished over a two-day period to allow the refinery to keep pace with the turnaround schedule. The vapor stream had high BTU content and H₂S above NSPS J/Ja limits of 162 ppm.
Vapor Point Solution
Vapor Point provided our thermal combustion technology and H₂S scrubbing to accomplish the Unit Deinventory vapor control. Vapor Point utilized two high capacity 72 MMBTU Vapor Combustors, H₂S High Flow Scrubber, Pressure Regulator Skid and PLC Control Skid to process the vapor stream to meet refinery regulatory environmental and safety standards.
Vapor Point participated in numerous Process Hazard Analysis (PHAs) and allowed the refinery to incorporate the Vapor Point process into the refinery shutdown procedure. As a result of the project’s success, the Vapor Point process design and operation will be part of the standard Unit Deinventory and Flare Minimization practice during future turnarounds.

Vapor Point Results
Vapor Point completed the project ahead of time and budget without any environmental or safety deviations. Vapor Point provided the refinery with Emissions Reports as documentation demonstrating compliance with applicable permit conditions and regulations.